Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Alternative to paper curls

Yesterday, again cause I was so bored...

I decided to curl my hair.

But this time not using paper curls.

I just tie them in 2 buns as shown below,

divided in upper section and lower section.

Then I spray some water on the buns.

Let the hairs dry by themselves.

I had it tied on overnight...

Slept with the buns on just like I slept with the paper curls.

Luckily I sleep on my side.

The next day, I open up the hair bands.

And divide the 2 curls (from 2 buns) into 4 each.

Meaning I made 8 curls.

If you have lesser hair, then do less curls.

More hair, do more curls.


This is the end result.

I sprayed some water hair gel on the curls,

so that they can last longer.

Even went shopping with the curls,

and it stayed curly all day long.

Freaking love curly my hair without using any ironing tongs!

No heat, no waste of money, no split ends.

And the next day, my hair returned super straight after washing!! :D


Unknown said...

cute ;)

MeiLin said...

cik EPAL : Thanks! :)

Angel said...

very cheap method - tho, i can't do this coz i sleep wildly.. LOL

MeiLin said...

yup. you can if you tie them tightly. it even look nicer if you tie them tighter. :)