Friday, October 24, 2008


能選擇要不要喜歡上一個人或愛 上一個人嗎?這個男孩太傻,為了一個不愛自己的人付出那麼多!....現在應該很少這種人嚕..若他就在你身邊的話..記得珍惜他..曾在女孩的記憶中, 有那麼一個人。「我現在喜歡的人,就是我前面的這位啦!」男孩大聲的說著,指著走在他前頭的女孩。「神經病!」女孩嘀咕著,快速走開那群跟著起鬨的人群, 只當男孩拿她開玩笑。直到某一天,女孩收到了一封信。『我是真的喜歡妳!我可以為妳做任何事,只要妳喜欢,我都會去做。一封信就這樣,沒有署名,短短幾句 話,但女孩卻知道是男孩寫的。『那你能現在跳到馬路中央嗎? 』女孩在信紙背面寫上這句話,託人交給男孩。「我能!妳看著。」男孩看了內容,當著她的面衝進馬路中央。只聽見震聾欲耳的喇叭聲、刺耳的煞車聲、巨大的碰 撞聲,以及映入女孩眼簾倒在血泊中的男孩。「我真的能為妳做任何事......」男孩的話救護車高亢的呼聲中,依舊清楚的傳入女孩耳中。「是你們家的女兒 要我們家的孩子衝進馬路中被車撞的!」「胡說!明明是你們家的兒子自己衝進去的!」「什麼胡說!他同學說的你們不是也聽見了嗎?我們家的孩子是看了你們女 兒的信才衝進去的!」「真的是這樣嗎?」女孩的母親回頭看著女孩。「嗯。」女孩點了頭,淚水也在她低下頭的瞬間,滴上了那張寫著男孩與她的字的信紙,似乎 也企圖抹殺掉發生的事實。「你看吧!你們要怎麼賠我兒子的人生!他再也不能打籃球了......」男孩的母親歇斯底里的大喊,哭倒在醫院冷硬的地板上。 「這......」女孩的父母無言。「我要你們的女兒陪著我的兒子,直到他再也不需要她的時候,這是你們女兒欠我們的!」男孩的父親說。「不行!她不愛你 兒子啊!你不能那麼自私!」女孩的母親不捨女孩受這種罪。「好,我會陪著他。」在眾人驚訝的目光中,女孩答應了。


在 公園的躺椅上,男孩和女孩靜靜的坐著,輕柔的風撫過他們疲憊的心。「為什麼喜歡我?」女孩開口了。「能選擇要不要喜歡上一個人或愛上一個人嗎?喜歡上了, 愛上了,就是了。」男孩淡淡的說。「如果有一天我有喜歡的人了,你會放我走嗎?」女孩說。「我從來沒有綁住過妳,是妳自己不放自己走的。」男孩說。沒有交 談了,只有風吹動落葉的颯颯聲。男孩說對了,兩年前在他醒來後,他就解除了約定,但女孩始終將自己綁在男孩身邊,她愧疚,因為她的一句玩笑話,毀了男孩的 夢,男孩再也不能打籃球了。-------------------------------------------------------然而故事 卻不會永遠都是好結局,女孩的心給了另一個人,沒有給肯為她付出一切的男孩。「你為什麼當初要聽我的話!你怎麼那麼笨!」女孩跪倒在地上哭泣。 「我......只是愛妳。」男孩說,伸手想將女孩扶起。「我不要你的愛!」女孩甩開男孩的手。「你的愛太強烈,害慘了我,你知不知道啊!你知不知道 啊!」女孩歇斯底里的哭喊著。「我......」男孩說不出話來。「為什麼是我!為什麼是我!你為什要愛上我!我討厭你這樣!我討厭!討厭!」女孩用盡所 有力氣大聲嘶吼,轉身跑了出去。女孩的愧疚太深,她沒辦法打開心結,她因為責任而留在男孩身邊,直到她喜歡上別人了,她再也不能忍受不能和喜歡的人在一起 的日子,所以她崩潰了,然而也傷了男孩的心。女孩使勁的跑,用力的跑,淚水模糊她的視線,心中的煩亂讓她沒看對她迎面駛來的卡車......「小心!」伴 隨著警告,有人推開了她。熟悉的碰撞聲響起,再一次,女孩回頭看,再一次的看見倒在殷紅的血泊中。「我真的能為妳做任何事......」男孩說,嘔出一口 血,昏了過去。「不要!」女孩受不了再一次的刺激,她尖叫,使盡所有力氣的尖叫。「太遲了,肋骨插進內臟,內出血止不住,沒救了。」「那麼年輕 就......難道真的沒辦法了嗎?」醫院裡的人議論紛紛,句句傳入女孩的耳中,她的淚水決提,濕了她的襯衫。如果她當初能理智一點就不會發生了,如果男 孩不要愛上她就好了,她哭,哭的歇斯底里,因為這次男孩真的要離開她了,他現在只能等待死亡。「我想妳應該進去看他......」男孩的父親說,他的悲痛 清楚的寫在臉上。「好......」女孩語不成聲,她只能不停的流淚。女孩進了病房,見到男孩蒼白的臉,她淚水流的更兇。「不要哭......」男孩心疼 的舉手擦拭女孩的淚。「你好傻......」女孩哭個不停。「或許吧......這個給妳......」男孩張開緊握的手,一封沾了血的信。「這是最後一 封了,好好的看好嗎?」男孩說,眼角留下一滴淚。「好......」女孩接下那封信,清澈的淚水滴在信封上,混著暗紅乾涸的血。「我真的能為妳做任何 事......」這是男孩的最後一句話,他再也不能待在女孩身邊,他走了,女孩昏了過去。『給最愛的妳:愛上妳,多半是痛苦,我知道妳的心永遠不會交給 我,可是我還是好愛好愛妳......當初如果知道我的行為會讓妳無法自由的飛,我不會去做。妳知道嗎?只要妳高興,我真的能為妳做任何事。我知道當妳看 這封信時,妳已經有喜歡的人了,放自己自由好嗎?

不要問我為什麼那麼傻。能選擇 要不要喜歡上一個人或愛上一個人嗎?喜歡上了,愛上了,就是了。我會一直守護著妳,因為妳是我最愛的人,我真的能為妳做任何事,不管過了多少年,我都不曾 改變。』女孩收起了信,她的淚水已經不再流下,男孩離開她已經五年了,五年的時光也讓她從一個年輕的女孩蛻變為成熟的女人。女孩的命,是男孩救的,但女孩 的心,自始自終都不曾落在男孩身上。『能選擇要不要喜歡上一個人或愛上一個人嗎?喜歡上了,愛上了,就是了。』


Do We Have Choice To Fall For A Person?

Do we have a choice if we fall in love into a person? This boy is too stupid, he sacrifised a lot because of a girl that doesnt love him at all!!!... Nowadays we can hardly seen this kind of people...If he/she is besides u, remember to appreciate.. In a girl's memory, there is this kind of boy exist in her life. " The person that I love now, is in front of me!" the boy shouted loudly to the girl that walk in front of him. "CRAZY!!" said the girl , and quickly walked away from the crowded place. She taught mayb that boy is kidding wiv him. One day,the girl received a letter. " I really like you. I can do everything for you. As long as you like, I will do it right away." She received this letter that is without written the name of sender. But refer to the speech, she knws the letter is written by that boy. " If then, can you jump to the middle of the road right now?" She replied this message bhind he letter and asked somebody to pass it to the boy. " Yes, I can. U wait n see." After the boy read taht letter, he straight away rush to the middle of the road in front of the girl. Only heard the sound of horn, braking, and a loud sound of crashing, and she saw that boy lied down on the road with full of blood. "I really can do anything for you......." The boy's speech in an ambulance was clear in the mind of the girl.

"Is yr daughter want my son run to the middle of the road and knocked down by the car!" "Bullshit!! Is your own son want to rush to the middle of the road." " What bullshit? Their classmate said that my son rush to the middle of the road after read the letter form yr daughter." "Is that true?!" The girl's mum asked her daughter. "Erm." The girl admitted and her tears falls. She really feel like erased this scene n really hope that this incident nvr happened before. " Now u see.. how r u going to compensate my son's life? He can't play basketball anymore...." The boy's mum cried and shoted and fainted on the floor of the hospital. "This....." The girl's parents have nth to talk. " I want yr daughter to take care of my son until he doesnt need her, that is yr daughter owes us." said the boy's dad. "No... she doent love yr son, you cannot be selfish. !!" The girl's mum is reluctant her daughter to live under this kind of situation. " Ok, I take care of him.." The girl promised in front of both parents.

....... .................................2 years later.......................................

The boy and the girl sat quietly on the chair of the garden. "Why do u like me?" The girl speaked. " Can we hav a choice if we fall in love into a person? Fall in love, that's it."

the boy said softly. " Let's say one day if I found a person that I love, would u let me go? " " I nvr stop u before, is you r de one who cant put down yrself. " said the boy. They ended the speech. The boy promised the girl that once he is recover , he will let the girl go and find her own happiness. But the girl cant even do it because of her feeling of guilty. Because of one joke, she ruined the boy's life and dream. The boy will never play basketball anymore...........However, the story do not have a happy ending.. The girl doesnt appreciate the sacrisfaction of the boy. "Why do you want to listen to me? Why r u so stupid?" The girl kneeled down n cried. " I.....just because of loving you." said the boy , holding her hands and help her 2 get up. "I dont wan your love!!!!". escaped frm the boy's hand. " Your love is too strong, u've ruined me.. do u understand? do u understand??!!!!" The girl cried loudly. "I'm......" the boy had nth 2 say. " Why is me?! Why is me?! Why you fall in love into me? I hate u like that... I hate..I hate.." The girl shouted loudly and ran away...The gulitiness of the girl is too deep, she accompany the boy is because of responsibility..until she fall in love into other guy..she cant stand anymo 2gether with the person that she doesnt love..However she hurts the boy. The girl run as fast as she could out to the road until she did nt realize a lorry in front of her ....... "Look out!!!" somebody pulled her. Again she heard the familiar sound of crash, when she turned over, again she saw a boy lied on the floor with full of blood. " I really can do everything for you......" the boy said softly , blood flowing out frm his mouth and fainted. "No.......!!!!!" The girl screamed loudly as loud as she can.. "It's too late.. the bone is broken and affect the heart.. there is no way to cured." " He's still very young.. there is no idea to save him? " the gossiping sound of nurses and doctors flew into her ears. The girl cried until her blouse is wet because of tears. Because this time the boy really left him, it means that he's dead. "I think u shud go in and see him..." said the boy's father, his sadness is all written on his face. "Ok.." said the girl. "Dont cry..." said the boy and using his hand to wipe of her tears. " U're stupid.." cried the girl. [ Mayb... this is for u..] the boy said and gave him a letter and said "this is the last one... read it ok?" ..." I really can do anything for u.." This is the last speech from the boy...and he left this world.

This is the content of the letter he write for the girl:

To my beloved:

Fall in love into you more than half of the time we r having sadness and pain. I know you will never accept my love for you. But I really really love you...... If I know this incident earlier that will cause you do not have a freedom to have a choice, then I probably will not do it. You know? As long as you are happy, I dont mind to do anything for you. I know when you read this letter your heard already have somebody, try to give yourself a freedom ok?

Don't try to force yrself to accept me and stay with me. One thing I hope is you can live happily. Don't ask me the reason why I'm stupid. Can we have a choice for wether we want to fall in love into a person ? Fall in love, that is already a fact. I will always protect you, because you are the person that I love. I really can do anything for you. No matter how many years, I will never change.

The girl kept the letter and he tears stop flowing. The boy had left her five years. The girl changed from a young girl into a matured girl today. The boy saved the girl's life. But unfortunately her heart will never pass it to the boy. Do we have a choice if fall in love into a person? When we fall in love, that is the fact.

Under the blue sky, the boy doesnt have a choice, the girl doesnt have a choice, anybody also do not have choice.

credits to Jonathan Sim

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